MAYbe Cosmetics is a thriving cosmetic company with over 20 years of experience. Our factory is located near Szczecin. It is equipped with the latest generation of machinery and quality control laboratory.

Production takes place in accordance with the principles of GMP and GHP, and quality is controlled at every stage - starting from design through production and ending with storage. Our key product range includes perfumes as well as toilet and fragrance waters. In addition, we have recently introduced a series of fruit lip balms in colourful soft touch packaging.

The essence of our products is carefully selected, highest quality components from reliable suppliers from Poland, Germany or France. MAYbe Cosmetics is a company with great opportunities and, thanks to the involvement of the management and employees, we are able to deal with complex projects and meet the needs of the most demanding customers.

MAYbe Cosmetics is a thriving cosmetic company with over 20 years of experience. Our key product range includes perfumes as well as toilet and fragrance waters. We also produce cosmetics under our customer’s own label.


MAYbe Cosmetics
Karmelowa 11, 71-218 Bezrzecze, Poland
Phone: +48 660 740 180 oraz +48 696 542 690

Obecnie realizujemy projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020 Oś Priorytetowa 1 Gospodarka, Innowacje, Nowoczesne Technologie, Działanie 1.15 Wsparcie kooperacji przedsiębiorstw. Tytuł projektu: „Promocja produktów firmy Maybe Cosmetics na rynkach międzynarodowych”. Wartość projektu: 194 369,00 PLN. Wysokość dofinansowania: 85 %