
Perfume production is an art and it is us who create it

We are a thriving cosmetic company, and everything we create is created out of passion and commitment.

Many years of experience and continuous development of our team are factors determining the high quality of our services. We comprehensively deal with the production of perfume cosmetics (perfume production) under the customer’s own label. The needs and expectations of our partners are the basis of business cooperation. We support them at every stage of implementation - starting from concept development, recipe creation, through registration of a cosmetic, and ending with its production. We create a product of the highest quality, meeting the customer’s expectations.

Perfume production is not only our work, but above all it is our great passion. From the earliest years each of us has been interested in the fascinating world of fragrances and aromas. Now, as adults, we can develop in this field and give our customers a variety of fragrance combinations.

The MAYbe line of cosmetics developed by us is the culmination of all that we believe is the most important when creating fragrances. First of all, high quality of the product is very important for us. It can be achieved by combining the best, perfectly matched ingredients. In addition, the right choice of head, heart and base notes is also very important. For the fragrance to be pleasant for the users and the people around them, it must be perfectly composed. It should also be remembered that proportions are very important. Too much of an ingredient may dominate the others and the smell will be unsuitable. Therefore, precision in our profession is essential. As a perfume maker, our company is perfectly aware of this and takes all the above factors into account when creating it. We encourage you to learn more about all the fragrances of our production. Should you have any questions, we are pleased to provide professional advice and comprehensive answers.

More informations




MAYbe Cosmetics is a thriving cosmetic company with over 20 years of experience. Our key product range includes perfumes as well as toilet and fragrance waters. We also produce cosmetics under our customer’s own label.


MAYbe Cosmetics
Karmelowa 11, 71-218 Bezrzecze, Poland
Phone: +48 660 740 180 oraz +48 696 542 690

Obecnie realizujemy projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020 Oś Priorytetowa 1 Gospodarka, Innowacje, Nowoczesne Technologie, Działanie 1.15 Wsparcie kooperacji przedsiębiorstw. Tytuł projektu: „Promocja produktów firmy Maybe Cosmetics na rynkach międzynarodowych”. Wartość projektu: 194 369,00 PLN. Wysokość dofinansowania: 85 %