Our brand

Eau de parfum 30ml

Would you like to have your favourite fragrance always with you so that you can wear it at any time? A perfect solution are perfumed waters in 30ml bottles that fit in a bag.

As a maker of perfumes, we offer both sweet, energizing, delicate, as well as extremely tempting and expressive fragrance compositions. Goddess will make you feel like a true goddess - just like the exceptionally sensual floral-aldehyde composition Le Parfum. Fans of refreshing notes, on the other hand, are dedicated to the floral and fruity series Sense. We also offer sensual, mysterious compositions of Nymph or Blackness. During their production, we pay special attention to the fact that the head, heart and base notes are selected in such a way that they blend perfectly and ensure a lasting effect.

We do not only produce perfumes with unique fragrance compositions. We also make sure that they are tightly sealed in elegant bottles (30 ml). Thanks to this, these cosmetics are also an excellent gift idea for a loved one.


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Le Parfum

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Green Leaf

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MAYbe Cosmetics is a thriving cosmetic company with over 20 years of experience. Our key product range includes perfumes as well as toilet and fragrance waters. We also produce cosmetics under our customer’s own label.


MAYbe Cosmetics
Karmelowa 11, 71-218 Bezrzecze, Poland
Phone: +48 660 740 180 oraz +48 696 542 690

Obecnie realizujemy projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego 2014-2020 Oś Priorytetowa 1 Gospodarka, Innowacje, Nowoczesne Technologie, Działanie 1.15 Wsparcie kooperacji przedsiębiorstw. Tytuł projektu: „Promocja produktów firmy Maybe Cosmetics na rynkach międzynarodowych”. Wartość projektu: 194 369,00 PLN. Wysokość dofinansowania: 85 %